SpreadsheetGear 2023 Limitations:
- Table references in formulas such as [Sales] are converted to #REF! SpreadsheetGear does not support Excel Tables. With no table to refer to, there is no way to preserve these formulas in their original state or Excel will generate a warning when reading the workbook.
- SpreadsheetGear does not support dynamic arrays. In some cases Excel writes cell array formulas in addition to the dynamic array formulas and SpreadsheetGear can handle these in a fashion similar to older versions of Excel.
- SpreadsheetGear does not support the LAMBDA function. SpreadsheetGear can read and write workbooks with LAMBDA functions created by using LAMBDA in a defined name and using that in other formulas, but will return #NAME! for the result just as older versions of Excel do.
- SpreadsheetGear cannot parse formulas which call functions created by LAMBDA directly, such as a cell containing the formula "=LAMBDA(x, x+1)(RAND())". SpreadsheetGear will throw a Corrupt Workbook exception when reading such a workbook.