SpreadsheetGear 2023
IRange Interface Properties

SpreadsheetGear Namespace : IRange Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IRange members.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets or sets the property which controls indentation of text when horizontal or vertical alignment is set to distributed.  
 PropertyReturns true if the AddIndent property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns the cell or range address of the cells represented by this IRange using ReferenceStyle.A1.  
 PropertyReturns true if all of the cells represented by a range may be edited.  
 PropertyReturns the number of areas in this IRange.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IAreas which represents an array of IRanges where each IRange returned by IAreas represents one cell or range.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IBorders which represents the cell borders of the cell or range represented by this IRange.  
 PropertyReturns the number of cells represented by this range.  
 PropertyReturns the cells represented by this instance of IRange.  
 PropertyReturns the zero based column number of the first column of this IRange.  
 PropertyReturns the number of columns in this IRange.  
 PropertyReturns a new instance of IRange which represents the same range of cells but which may be used to determine the number of columns in the range or to AutoFit the columns in the range.  
 PropertyGets or sets the width of the individual columns represented this range in characters.  
 PropertyReturns true if the ColumnWidth property of all columns represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IComment representing the comment which is associated the single cell represented by this range, or null if there is no comment.  
 PropertyDeprecated - use CellCount, RowCount or ColumnCount.  
 PropertyReturns the range of cells containing the array formula of the top-left cell of this IRange, or null if the top-left cell is not an array formula.  
 PropertyReturns an expanded range of contiguous non-empty cells.  
 PropertyReturns a single cell at the end of the current contiguous non-empty range, or at the start of the next non-empty range, starting with the top-left cell of this range.  
 PropertyReturns a single cell at the start of the current contiguous non-empty range, or at the end of the previous non-empty range, starting with the top-left cell of this range.  
 PropertyReturns a single cell at the end of the current contiguous non-empty range, or at the start of the next non-empty range, starting with the top-left cell of this range.  
 PropertyReturns a single cell at the start of the current contiguous non-empty range, or at the end of the previous non-empty range, starting with the top-left cell of this range.  
 PropertyReturns a new instance of IRange which represents the same range of cells, but expanded to include all rows.  
 PropertyReturns an IRange representing the area of the current IRange which is iteratively grown as needed until it includes no partial merged cells.  
 PropertyReturns a new instance of IRange which represents the same range of cells, but expanded to include all columns.  
 PropertyReturns the text which is displayed in the workbook view's formula bar.  
 PropertyReturns the IFactory which created this object or its parent. (Inherited from SpreadsheetGear.IFactoryChild)
 PropertyReturns an instance of IFont which may be used to get and set font properties of the cells represented by this IRange.  
 PropertyReturns a collection which represents the conditional formatting options of this range.  
 PropertyReturns true if the conditional formatting options of all cells represented by this IRange are the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyGets the formula, or sets the value or formula, of the cells represented by this IRange.  
 PropertyGets or sets the array formula for a range.  
 PropertyGets or sets the property which specifies whether formulas should be hidden.  
 PropertyReturns true if the FormulaHidden property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyGets or sets the value or formula of the cells represented by this IRange using ReferenceStyle.R1C1.  
 PropertyReturns true if the top-left cell of this range contains an array formula, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns true if the HasArray property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns true if the top-left cell of this range contains a formula, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns true if the HasFormula property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns true if any of the cells represented by this range have data validation associated with them.  
 PropertyReturns the height of the range in points.  
 PropertyGets or sets the property which specifies whether rows or columns should be hidden.  
 PropertyGets or sets the horizontal alignment of a cell or range.  
 PropertyReturns true if the HorizontalAlignment property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns a hyperlink collection representing the hyperlinks which are attached to this range.  
 PropertyGets or sets the indent level of the specified cell(s).  
 PropertyReturns the IInterior which represents the interior (background) color and pattern of the specified cell(s).  
 PropertyReturns true if the worksheet referred to by this range has been disposed.  
 PropertyReturns true if the current range represents one or more entire columns.  
 PropertyReturns true if the current range represents one or more entire rows.  
 PropertyReturns true if the single cell range is, or depends on, a volatile function or circular reference.  
 PropertyOverloaded. Returns a new instance of IRange which is offset from this IRange.  
 PropertyGets or sets the property which specifies whether cells should be locked.  
 PropertyReturns true if the Locked property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns an IRange representing the merged cell area if the cell represented by this single cell IRange is part of a merged cell range, otherwise the original IRange is returned.  
 PropertyGets or sets the property which specifies whether the top left cell of this IRange is merged.  
 PropertyReturns true if the MergeCells property of all cells represented by this IRange is false or if all cells represented by this IRange are contained by the same merged cell area, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns the first defined name which refers to the cells represented by this range, or null if no defined name refers to the range.  
 PropertyGets or sets the number format of the cells in the range.  
 PropertyReturns true if the NumberFormat property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns the number format type of the top-left cell of this range.  
 PropertyGets or sets the text orientation of a cell or range, which may be from -90 to 90 degrees or SpreadsheetGear.Orientation.Vertical.  
 PropertyReturns true if the Orientation property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyGets or sets the outline level of a range of rows or columns, which provides the ability to group and summarize information.  
 PropertyReturns true if the OutlineLevel property of all rows or columns represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyAdds or removes manual page breaks for a range.  
 PropertyReturns '\'' if text was entered into a cell with a leading apostrophe, otherwise '\0' is returned.  
 PropertyReturns true if the PrefixCharacter property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns the cells represented by this instance of IRange.  
 PropertyReturns the zero based row number of the first row.  
 PropertyReturns the number of rows in this IRange.  
 PropertyGets or sets the height of the individual rows represented by this range in points.  
 PropertyReturns true if the RowHeight property of all rows represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns a new instance of IRange which represents the same range of cells but which may be used to determine the number of rows in the range or to AutoFit the rows in the range.  
 PropertyGets or sets the property which specifies whether the detail corrresponding to the outline level of the represented row or column will be shown (expanded) or hidden (collapsed).  
 PropertyGets or sets the property which specifies whether cells will be drawn in a smaller font if needed to display the contents of the cell.  
 PropertyReturns true if the ShrinkToFit property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyGets or sets the named cell style associated with the cells represented by this IRange.  
 PropertyReturns true if the Style property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns the value of the cell represented by this IRange as a formatted string.  
 PropertyReturns an instance of IValidation which may be used to get and set validation properties of the cells represented by this IRange.  
 PropertyReturns true if the validation options of all cells represented by this IRange are the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyGets the value of the specified range as a System.String, System.Double, System.Boolean, SpreadsheetGear.ValueError, object[,] or null; or sets the value of the specified cell as a System.String, System.Double, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.Int16, System.Char, System.Boolean, System.DateTime, SpreadsheetGear.ValueError, System.Decimal, System.DBNull, object[,] or null.  
 PropertyReturns the value type of the top-left cell of this range.  
 PropertyGets or sets the vertical alignment of a cell or range.  
 PropertyReturns true if the VerticalAlignment property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
 PropertyReturns the width of the range in points.  
 PropertyReturns the parent IWorkbookSet of this range.  
 PropertyReturns the parent IWorksheet of this range.  
 PropertyGet or sets the flag which indicates whether word wrap is enabled in a cell.  
 PropertyReturns true if the WrapText property of all cells represented by this IRange is the same, otherwise false is returned.  
See Also


IRange Interface
SpreadsheetGear Namespace
Cells Property