Razor Page Samples - Excel Chart and Range Imaging

There is a good chance that you and your users already know how to create great looking dashboards and charts in Excel. The web has a wide variety of resources for creating "Excel Dashboards". Now you can leverage this knowledge and information by designing your dashboards and charts in Excel and deploying them with SpreadsheetGear.

Simple Chart Image

This sample shows how to create an image of a chart and stream the image directly to the browser.

Simple Range Image with Chart

This sample shows how to create an image of a range that includes a chart and stream the image directly to the browser.

Dashboard from 1693 Analytics

This sample shows how to create a dashboard where the user chooses from a list of states, and relevant educational cost data and charts are returned for that state. The model and the data for this sample are contained in a static Excel workbook which has been provided by 1693 Analytics, but it could just as easily come from a workbook which is dynamically generated.

Dynamic Chart Gallery

This sample dynamically creates a chart gallery using a mix of server-side Razor Pages and client-side JavaScript Ajax calls, which demonstrates rendering some of the most commonly used Excel charting features from a single Excel 2007-2019 Open XML workbook.

SpreadsheetGear Image Rendering Utility

<p>The SpreadsheetGear Image Rendering Utility is meant to demonstrate a design pattern you can follow to make generating images from charts and ranges easier. You can use this utility as the start of a reusable image generator which you can then reference from your web pages.</p><p>This sample shows how to use the image rendering utility to convert the Excel Report with Formatted Chart(Open XML) sample on the Excel Reporting Samples page to a bitmap image.

Web Page with Embedded Chart Image

This sample shows how to use the SpreadsheetGear Image Rendering Utility to create an image of a chart and embed this chart image in a web page with other content.