SpreadsheetGear 2010
SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Forms Namespace
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The SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Forms namespace includes the WorkbookView Windows Forms Control as well as the Workbook Designer, Workbook Explorer and Range Explorer.


ClassActiveTabChangedEventArgs Provides data for an ActiveTabChanged event.
ClassActiveTabChangingEventArgs Provides data for an ActiveTabChanging event.
ClassCalculateEventArgs Provides data for a Calculate event.
ClassCellBeginEditEventArgs Provides data for a CellBeginEdit event.
ClassCellCancelEditEventArgs Provides data for a CellCancelEdit event.
ClassCellEndEditEventArgs Provides data for a CellEndEdit event.
ClassChartExplorer Represents a Chart Explorer which provides the ability to format the active chart of a workbook set.
ClassCommand Provides the base class for all commands which will be executed by CommandManager.
ClassCommandManager Provides the ability to override the behavior of commands executed by WorkbookView, RangeExplorer and WorkbookDesigner, as well as the ability to create new undoable commands.
ClassCommandPrint Represents the default print command.
ClassCommandRange Provides the base class for commands which use a worksheet range.
ClassCommandRange.Clear Represents the default clear command.
ClassCommandRange.ClearContents Represents the default clear contents command.
ClassCommandRange.ClearFormats Represents the default clear formats command.
ClassCommandRange.Copy Represents the default clipboard copy command.
ClassCommandRange.Cut Represents the default clipboard cut command.
ClassCommandRange.Delete Represents the default delete command.
ClassCommandRange.Insert Represents the default insert command.
ClassCommandRange.Paste Represents the default clipboard paste command.
ClassCommandRange.PasteSpecial Represents the default clipboard paste special command.
ClassFormulaBar Represents a FormulaBar control. The formula bar will automatically connect to the active WorkbookView control contained within the same container.
ClassRangeChangedEventArgs Provides data for a RangeChanged event.
ClassRangeExplorer Represents a Range Explorer which provides the ability to format the active range selection of a workbook set.
ClassRangeSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for a RangeSelectionChanged event.
ClassRangeSelectionChangingEventArgs Provides data for a RangeSelectionChanging event.
ClassScrollPositionChangedEventArgs Provides data for a ScrollPositionChanged event.
ClassShapeActionEventArgs Provides data for a ShapeAction event.
ClassShapeExplorer Represents a Shape Explorer which provides the ability to format the active shape selection of a workbook set.
ClassShapeSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for a ShapeSelectionChanged event.
ClassShapeSelectionChangingEventArgs Provides data for a ShapeSelectionChanging event.
ClassShowErrorEventArgs Provides data for a ShowError event.
ClassUIManager Provides the ability to override user interface functionality.
ClassWorkbookDesigner Represents a Workbook Designer.
ClassWorkbookExplorer Represents a WorkbookExplorer that can be used to explore and set properties on the workbooks and worksheets contained in a workbook set.
ClassWorkbookView Provides a fully functional spreadsheet control which supports rich functionality including familiar keyboard and mouse selections, in-cell editing, a FormulaBar control, goto, cut, copy, paste, clear, undo, redo, printing, interruptible background calculation, real time workbook updates, multiple workbooks, DisplayReference, WorkbookDesigner, WorkbookExplorer, RangeExplorerChartExplorerShapeExplorer and more.


DelegateActiveTabChangedEventHandler Represents the method which handles an ActiveTabChanged event.
DelegateActiveTabChangingEventHandler Represents the method which handles an ActiveTabChanging event.
DelegateCalculateEventHandler Represents the method which handles a Calculate event.
DelegateCellBeginEditEventHandler Represents the method which handles a CellBeginEdit event.
DelegateCellCancelEditEventHandler Represents the method which handles a CellCancelEdit event.
DelegateCellEndEditEventHandler Represents the method which handles a CellEndEdit event.
DelegateRangeChangedEventHandler Represents the method which handles a RangeChanged event.
DelegateRangeSelectionChangedEventHandler Represents the method which handles a RangeSelectionChanged event.
DelegateRangeSelectionChangingEventHandler Represents the method which handles a RangeSelectionChanging event.
DelegateScrollPositionChangedEventHandler Represents the method which handles a ScrollPositionChanged event.
DelegateShapeActionEventHandler Represents the method which handles a ShapeAction event.
DelegateShapeSelectionChangedEventHandler Represents the method which handles a ShapeSelectionChanged event.
DelegateShapeSelectionChangingEventHandler Represents the method which handles a ShapeSelectionChanging event.
DelegateShowErrorEventHandler Represents the method which handles a ShowError event.


EnumerationCellBeginEditReason Specifies the reason for a cell begin edit event.
EnumerationChartExplorerCategoryFlags Specifies which categories will be shown by the chart explorer.
EnumerationCommandRangeUndoFlags Specifies what must be saved to undo a CommandRange.
EnumerationCommandUndoSupport Specifies the type of undo support for a command.
EnumerationRangeExplorerCategoryFlags Specifies which categories will be shown by the range explorer.
EnumerationRangeLocationFlags Specifies options for calculating locations from ranges and ranges from locations.
EnumerationShapeActionType Specifies the type of shape action.
EnumerationShapeExplorerCategoryFlags Specifies which categories will be shown by the shape explorer.

See Also

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