SpreadsheetGear 2010
SpreadsheetGear.Charts Namespace
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The SpreadsheetGear.Charts namespace provides a comprehensive API for creating and modifying charts.


ClassTickLabelOrientation Provides commonly used values for the SpreadsheetGear.Charts.ITickLabels.Orientation property.


InterfaceIAxes Represents the axes of a chart.
InterfaceIAxis Represents a chart axis.
InterfaceIAxisTitle Represents the title of an axis.
InterfaceIChart Represents a chart which may be a shape on a worksheet or a chart sheet in a workbook.
InterfaceIChartArea Represents the chart area of a chart.
InterfaceIChartFormat Represents the formatting options of various chart objects.
InterfaceIChartGroup Represents options for one or more series of a chart.
InterfaceIChartGroups Represents a collection of chart groups associated with a chart.
InterfaceIChartTitle Represents the chart title of a chart.
InterfaceIDataLabel Represents a single data label of a data point or trendline.
InterfaceIDataLabels Represents all of the data labels of a series.
InterfaceIDataTable Represents a chart data table.
InterfaceIDownBars Represents the down bars on a line chart.
InterfaceIDropLines Represents the drop lines on a line or area chart.
InterfaceIErrorBars Represents the error bars of a series.
InterfaceIFloor Represents the floor area of a 3D chart.
InterfaceIGridlines Represents the major or minor gridlines of an axis.
InterfaceIHasAxis Represents the properties used to determine which axes are displayed on a chart.
InterfaceIHiLoLines Represents the high-low lines on a line chart.
InterfaceILeaderLines Represents the leader lines of a series.
InterfaceILegend Represents a chart legend.
InterfaceIPlotArea Represents the plot area of a chart.
InterfaceIPoint Represents a single data point of a series.
InterfaceIPoints Represents all of the data points of a series.
InterfaceISeries Represents a chart series.
InterfaceISeriesCollection Represents all of the series of a chart or chart group.
InterfaceISeriesLines Represents the series lines on a stacked bar or pie of pie chart.
InterfaceITickLabels Represents the axis labels of an axis.
InterfaceITrendline Represents a trendline of a series.
InterfaceITrendlines Represents all of the trendlines of a series.
InterfaceIUpBars Represents the up bars on a line chart.
InterfaceIWalls Represents the front and side wall area of a 3D chart.


EnumerationAxisCrosses Specifies where the other axis crosses an axis.
EnumerationAxisGroup Specifies the axis group.
EnumerationAxisType Specifies the type of an axis.
EnumerationBarShape Specifies the shape of a 3D bar.
EnumerationCategoryType Specifies the scale type on a category axis.
EnumerationChartElementPosition Specifies the position of a chart element.
EnumerationChartSplitType Specifies how values are split on a pie of pie chart.
EnumerationChartType Specifies the chart type for the entire chart or an individual series.
EnumerationDataLabelPosition Specifies the position of data labels.
EnumerationDisplayBlanksAs Specifies the way cells with no values are displayed in a chart.
EnumerationEndStyleCap Specifies the end style cap of error bars.
EnumerationErrorBarDirection Specifies the error bar direction.
EnumerationErrorBarInclude Specifies what to include with the error bars.
EnumerationErrorBarType Specifies the type of error bars.
EnumerationLegendPosition Specifies the position of the legend.
EnumerationMarkerStyle Specifies the marker style.
EnumerationRowCol Specifies whether data series values come from the columns in a row or from the rows in a column.
EnumerationScaleType Specifies the scale type on a value axis.
EnumerationSizeRepresents Specifies what the size values represent on a bubble chart.
EnumerationTickLabelPosition Specifies the tick label position on an axis.
EnumerationTickMark Specifies the type of tick marks on an axis.
EnumerationTimeUnit Specifies the time unit for an axis with a time-scale.
EnumerationTrendlineType Specifies the type of trendline.

See Also

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